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Oxidizer Exchange
Used Oxidizers
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VOC Abatement Equipment for sale

Welcome to Abatement-Exchange.com

The widest selection of used Thermal Oxidisers in the world - 158 listed in Europe from 435 Worldwide

A US version of this website is available: Oxidizer-Exchange.com

Abatement-Exchange.com is a specialist website dedicated to buying and selling used VOC thermal oxidisers and associated equipment.

Freely available technical and commercial support to both buyers and sellers helps make decisions objective and not subjective.
Thermal oxidisers reduce emissions to atmosphere such as VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) from solvents, odours, etc. They are applied in various industrial processes such as printing, coating, paint spraying, pharmaceutical, food processing, etc. 

We can help you search the widest choice of thermal oxidisers in the world for the best opportunity to get the good match at a realistic price.

VOC Abatement Equipment VOC Abatement Equipment details VOC Abatement Equipment details VOC Abatement Equipment details

The website includes the following types of abatement equipment...
VOC Abatement Equipment for sale VOC Abatement Equipment sold VOC Abatement Equipment for sale VOC Abatement Equipment sold VOC Abatement Equipment for sale VOC Abatement Equipment sold
  • Regenerative Thermal Oxidisers (RTO's)
  • Catalytic Thermal Oxidisers (CatOx's)
  • Recuperative Thermal Oxidisers (Recup's)
  • Solvent Recovery Plant
  • Bio-Filters and Bio-scrubbers
  • After Burners
  • Concentrators
  • Accessories, eg monitoring equipment, gas boosters, etc.

Solvent Recovery Plant

You buy the solvent not the plant...


A new innovative type of solvent recovery plant is now available. The plant is installed free of charge and you buy the recycled solvent directly back for your own use. With the right operating conditions, payback as little as 2-3 years can be realised.


Solvent recovery plant Solvent recovery plant Solvent recovery plant

Solvent recovery plant Solvent recovery plant Solvent recovery plant

New Abatement Plant

We can help with new equipment, as well...


We can source the best competitive options for installing new abatement plant using our extensive market knowledge and contacts. It is important for us to understand your site requirements to determine what you need which may be different to what you think you need. We can also assess your production for efficiency and if there could be benefit from process optimisation to reduce the size/cost of the plant and also importantly running costs.


When selecting used thermal oxidisers, getting a good match to the load coupled with the right technology is essential. Whilst  capital cost is important, a bad match can result in significant ongoing running costs for many years. It is not just about matching the airflow capacity but solvent loading, efficiency, flexibility, etc.


  • Free membership
  • Buy direct from the Seller
  • Free technical support by phone/email
  • Wider choice of thermal oxidiser
  • Better match reduces running cost
  • Shorter installation programme
  • Abatement Buyers Guide helps informed choices
  • Selective email alerts when new listings added


  • Free membership
  • Worldwide exposure
  • Sell direct to the buyer
  • Extensive market exposure for quicker sale
  • High search engine ranking
  • Multi-language site versions
  • Assistance with valuation
  • Technical support by phone/email
  • Technical review before listing is made
Used Abatement Buying Guide
The Abatement Buyers Guide is an invaluable tool in understanding techniques and applications thereby helping our members and buy the right used abatement plant.
Used Abatement Buying Guide
As a very specialised site, we offer the widest exposure of used abatement equipment in the world providing you with the best opportunity to attract a potential buyer.


Featured Equipment
(Click on item to view full details)

View Used Abatement Equipment

View 158 European units selected from 435 listed globally.

Select equipment type:

  Show All
  RTO-Regenerative Oxidiser
  Catalytic Thermal Oxidiser
  Recuperative Thermal Oxidiser
  Solvent Recovery Plant

Select capacity range:

  Show All
  ≤5,000 Nm³/h
  3,000-12,000 Nm³/h
  8,000-20,000 Nm³/h
  12,000-25,000 Nm³/h
  20,000-40,000 Nm³/h
  30,000-60,000 Nm³/h
  >50,000 Nm³/h

Select continent:

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  Europe Selected
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  Australasia Selected
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Agents wanted

Partner Agents wanted in various parts of the world with knowledge of the local used thermal oxidiser market to develop our expanding network globally. Please contact us for more information.

Our Partner

Environmental Project Management logo

  • Process load assessment
  • Exhaust ductwork, diverting dampers and controls
  • Dryer Optimisation to reduce size/running cost of abatement
  • Gas monitoring (LEL sensors) installation and calibration
  • Stack emissions monitoring

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